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>        I think you're getting the disk cache confused with Netscape's
>        authentication.  Your demonstration page will not work
>        correctly if you flush the disk cache before attempting it.
>I'll ditto this.  I've been attempting to reproduce this for the last
>hour or so and have not been able to find a cached password under any
>of the .netscape* directories.

Dave McComb is right.  The password isn't being cached, just the protected
document.  I'm not sure I like this much better.  I don't want the next
person who uses my personal computer to have access to all the protected
documents I recently viewed.


Lincoln Stein, M.D.,Ph.D.                       lstein@genome.wi.mit.edu
Director: Informatics Core
MIT Genome Center                               (617) 252-1916
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research     (617) 252-1902 FAX
One Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
